Cats are meticulous groomers, dedicating a significant portion of their day to keeping themselves clean.
Cats are meticulous groomers, dedicating a significant portion of their day to keeping themselves clean.
Licking their fur helps cats cool down, as the saliva evaporates and has a cooling effect.
Licking their fur helps cats cool down, as the saliva evaporates and has a cooling effect.
Grooming isn't just about cleanliness; it's also a way for cats to relax and de-stress.
Grooming isn't just about cleanliness; it's also a way for cats to relax and de-stress.
A cat's tongue is covered with tiny, hook-like structures called papillae, which help remove dirt and loose fur.
A cat's tongue is covered with tiny, hook-like structures called papillae, which help remove dirt and loose fur.
When cats groom, they spread natural oils across their fur, keeping it shiny and healthy.
When cats groom, they spread natural oils across their fur, keeping it shiny and healthy.
Mutual grooming, or allogrooming, is a way for cats to bond and establish social relationships.
Mutual grooming, or allogrooming, is a way for cats to bond and establish social relationships.